Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Simon :: five months

Simon at 5 months
Laughing up at storm
Loves playing with dad
Coos often after eating
Able to see further
Tight grip he uses to sometimes pinch
Moves from where you put him to another direction and place through rolling
Has tried food a few times and almost seems disgusted
Loves jumping in his jumparoo
Since discovering that he can sit up in his stroller is offended when we use the bassinet and lie him down
Sits front facing in his carrier which means he now loves hikes even more
His hair is coming in nicely
Fitting perfectly in 6-9 month clothing
Sleeping in his own room at night

Figured out a good work/home balance
Have a goal to lose weight and doing really well
My dinners have not only been healthy and delicious but also frequent which is saying a lot
Am jealous of how Simon lights up to Peter

Late 4 month photos

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